“The one thing I have learned is that you can’t think your way through life. The only way to figure out what to do is to do something.”
“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.”
“Put your foot upon the neck of the fear of criticism by reaching a decision not to worry about what other people think, do, or say.”
“Forget about having an identity crisis and get some identity capital. Do something that adds value to who you are. Do something that’s an investment in who you might want to be next.”
“For the most part, ‘naturals’ are myths. People who are especially good at something may have some innate inclination, or some particular talent, but they have also spent about ten thousand hours practicing or doing that thing.”
Signs of identity crisis
1. You're starting to question who you are beyond the labels on your life.
Are you a parent, spouse, employee, or friend? And how are you defined through these labels? Asking yourself these questions is a sure sign that you're starting to question who you are.
2. You imagine yourself from time to time running away from it all, alone, all by yourself.
Where are you running to in your imagination?
3. You're reading all you can get your eyes on about life's purpose and passion.
This is because you realized not too long ago that your life has got to be about something more.
You're curious to find out who you would be if you took away all the labels and stripped down all your baggage. Who remains?
5. You repeatedly ask yourself, Who am I? What am I doing? What do I want?
In the depth of an identity crisis things can seem unmanageable, even overpowering. Know that this crisis is actually the start of a grand journey.
You've been given the chance to realize who it is looking back at you and what they want. Go for it. Open the individual bank account, run away for the weekend, or get off the old and weary path and take a new one. Put on your boots and start trekking. Find yourself.
Good Read